
Product Description

The SRE3020 “VAST” series is a family of OEM camera modules for gamma and x-ray spectroscopy. The camera module is designed to allow integration in user-end instruments, and is delivered with 1 pixelated mono-crystal CZT sensor (two-sensor version will be developed) and readout electronics based on IDEAS’ proprietary front-end IC technology.

The SRE3020 is designed to deliver information that can be used for reconstructing the 3-dimensional position of the events (photo-absorption, Compton scattering, etc.) occurring in the detector. The device is suited for users who intend to do Compton reconstruction of the detected events, as both the scatter and absorption events are detected by the same sensor.

Multiple SRE3020 can be connected to build a synchronized system with a larger sensitive detector volume. Each camera module includes I/O interfaces for synchronization.

The event data is available over a standard Ethernet network interface. The detector system is delivered with the “IDEAS Testbench” testing software. APIs for C and LabVIEW also be delivered together with the detector system – allowing the user to quickly make user-end applications.

This product is currently in beta, but is available for purchase by early adopters. Please contact us if you are interested.

Product Features

Detector Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT)
Application Radiation hot-spot location, isotope identification, nuclear plant monitoring, compton scatter collimation
Number of inputs 121
Dynamic range Up to to 3 MeV
Maximum event rate 18 000 events/s
Detector bias voltage 0 V to -2000 V
Data interface Ethernet
Dimensions 75 mm x 75 mm x 63 mm
Mass Ca 200 g
Power consumption Ca 4.5 W
Synchronization I/O 1 input, 1 output
Power consumption Ca 4.5 W
Data interface Ethernet
Dimensions 75 mm x 75 mm x 63 mm
Detector Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT)