Date posted: 2023-09-05
Oslo, Norway – Integrated Detector Electronics AS (IDEAS), a leading provider of cutting-edge detector electronics solutions, is pleased to announce its recent collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) on behalf of the EU Agency for the Space Program (EUSPA) to deliver Radiation Monitoring Units for the EU Galileo Second Generation satellites. This contract marks a significant milestone in advancing space exploration and ensuring the safety and reliability of satellite operations. Continue reading

Date posted: 2023-05-23

The 24th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWoRiD2023)

The Workshop will take place in Oslo, Norway between the 25th and 29th of June 2023. The iWoRiD2023 workshop provides an international forum for discussing current state-of-the-art, latest research and developments, and novel applications of position sensitive detectors for radiation imaging, including semiconductor, gas, and scintillator-based detectors.  The workshop will cover topics of all radiation imaging, including processing and characterization of detector materials, hybridization and interconnect technologies, electronic design, data acquisition systems, and applications. Detailed programme More information

Date posted: 2022-11-03
A Gamma Ray burst, coming from around 2.4 billion light years, was detected. The flash emitted photons carrying a recorded 18 TeV of energy. Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are bursts of highly energetic gamma rays lasting from less than a second to several minutes – the blink of an eye on cosmological timescales. Continue reading

Date posted: 2021-04-28
We want to congratulate NASA/ Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) scientists with their recent progress on the development of their new CZT Imaging Calorimeter. Continue reading

Date posted: 2020-06-24
RADNEXT is an H2020 INFRAIA-02-2020 infrastructure proposal with the objective of creating a network of Continue reading

Date posted: 2019-05-20
The IDE3380 SIPHRA is an IC for readout of photon detectors such as such as PMTs, SiPMs, and MPPCs. Continue reading

Date posted: 2018-10-23
The IDEAS team is proud and grateful to have contributed to the mission and wishes the scientists success with their experiments at Mercury.Continue reading

Date posted: 2018-04-19
IDEAS congratulates the University of Bergen, the Birkeland Centre for Space Science, Terma AS and the Technical University of Denmark Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-12-11

Welcome to this short review of new ASICs and systems at IDEAS in 2017. Our core competence is mixed-signal ASIC design and imaging product development. We are very happy that developers have entrusted us with new design tasks also in 2017. Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-09-01

The IDEAS ASIC development team congratulates the ISS-CREAM collaboration to the successful launch and installation of their instrument on the international space station! The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass experiment for the International Space Station (ISS-CREAM) was launcContinue reading

Date posted: 2017-08-30
Integrated Detector Electronics AS (IDEAS) hosted a round table on compact radiation monitors for space application. Participants of the European Space Agency (ESA), the Norwegian Space Centre (NSC), the University of Oslo (UiO), SINTEF Minalab Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-07-03
The company Integrated Detector Electronics AS (IDEAS) has signed a contract with the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO) Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-06-26
The Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT) was launched on June 15, 2017 into sun synchronous orbit at 550km altitude [REF1]. HXMT is a joint effort of Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-05-18
We have started the new Eurostars project NGSDuo - a mixed radiation sensor system for combined hyper-spectral gamma imaging and neutron detection. The Eurostars project will be carried out by Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-05-15
On Tuesday May 23 IDEAS will talk at the Space Engineering and Technology Final Presentation Days at ESTEC [REF1]. IDEAS has completed three projects, and results from all three projects will be presented: Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-05-04
How to acquire electric charge from thousands of micro-strips in a double sided strip detector (DSSD)?  An answer was presented at the INSTR-17 conference by Khabarov et al. for the central tracker in the BM@N experiment [REF1]. They used 80 chips of the type VATAGP7.1 ASIC to read out a total of 10240 strips DSSD. Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-03-17
The AD-BANG project partners from Czech Republic and Norway met at SINTEF Minalab on Monday 13. March 2017. The photo shows the participants from Prague IEAP CTU, DDAIR FNSPE CTU, NRPI, FME CTU and Oslo Integrated Detector Electronics AS and SINTEF. Continue reading

Date posted: 2017-01-31
February 2017, Oslo, Norway Integrated Detector Electronics AS (IDEAS) signs 800kEUR contract with the European Space Agency to develop the next generation controller and acquisition system (IDE8420) for infrared camerasContinue reading

Date posted: 2016-12-16
During the year 2016 the IDEAS team has been working on ROIC/ASIC development and prototype systems. The systems are available now: Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-12-16
In the year 2016 the IDEAS team has worked on new ASICs for the readout of radiation detectors and imaging sensors:
  • IDE3380 - SiPM array readout ASIC, SIPHRA, (more)
  • IDE8410 - Image sensor readout controller, NIRCA, (Proc. SPIE DSS 2016)
  • IDE3466 - Space radiation monitor readout for ESA JUICE RADEM, (Proc. SPIE Astro. 2016)
  • IDE1163 - GEM readout,  gas electron multipliers, for BM@N
  • VATAGP9 - Silicon strip readout, 256 channels, for AEGIS at CERN
We have also designed test boards and a readout system (GALAO) Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-10-18
The integrated circuit was developed under contract from ESA and the Norwegian Space Center. The IDEAS IDE3380 is a general purpose integrated circuit (IC) for the readout of silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). The SiPM is a relatively new type of optical sensor for the detection and timing of single photons. While the IC was designed primarily for arrays with many SiPM, it can also read out state-of-the-art photomultiplier tubes (PMT). Like PMT, SiPM and arrays of SiPM can be used for many applications, for example, medical imaging, life sciences, industrial scanning, and range finding. Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-10-18
IDEAS to exhibit at 2016 IEEE NSS/MIC, Strasbourg, France IDEAS will be exhibiting at the 2016 IEEE NSS/MIC, Strasbourg, France, 1. November - 3. November 2016 Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-06-01
IDEAS will be exhibiting at the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation in Edinburgh, 28 June to 29 June. Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-05-30
The 10th International Meeting on Front-End Electronics was held in Krakow on 30th May - 3rd June 2016. The FEE meeting provided an opportunityContinue reading

Date posted: 2016-04-26
"Technologies for making space accessible and safe to operate" On April 26th-27th, Eurospace organizes its Research Development and Technology workshop at the Rolex Learning Center in Ecublens (Lausanne), Switzerland.Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-04-17
IDEAS attends SPIE DCS 2016, Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-02-22

The next generation X-ray observatory “Hitomi” (ASTRO-H) was developed in an international collaboration including Japan and NASA. The cutting edge instrument on board is the “X-ray micro-calorimeter,” which observes X-rays from space with the wContinue reading

Date posted: 2016-01-11

Two members of the CPT-SCOPE team, namely Anastasiya Dykyy and Timo Stein, presented the preliminary results of the CPT-SCOPE flight-test aboard BEXUS 20 on October 10, 2015, at the 1st Symposium on Space Educational Activities.Continue reading

Date posted: 2016-01-06

The Chinese satellite DAMPE is the newest high-energy particle detector in space. Detector read-out integrated circuits from IDEAS are enabling DAMPE to search for the elusive dark matter.Continue reading

Date posted: 2015-12-01
CNES, ESA, AIRBUS DEFENCE & SPACE, THALES ALENIA SPACE, SODERN invited to the 4th Toulouse CMOS image sensors workshop entitled “CMOS Image Sensors for high performance applications”, in Toulouse on November 18th, 19th , 2015. The aim of this workshop was to focus on those custom CMOS image sensors that offer high performance thanks to specific design, technologies/processes or on-chip processing. Continue reading

Date posted: 2015-11-01

On October 10, 2015 at 09:16:54 UTC the BEXUS 20 stratospheric balloon was launched from Esrange in Kiruna, northern-Sweden. On-board was the CPT-SCOPE instrument developed by students from Norway and Germany alongside two other student experiments HACORD (Belgium) and COSPA (Germany). The CPT-SCOPE team was the first Norwegian participation selected by European space experts for the Swedish-German BEXUS program which is supported by ESA and other organisations.Continue reading

Date posted: 2015-10-15
IDEAS CEO Gunnar Maehlum held a talk on the topic "Space Sensors: for Jupiter, cosmos and the planet earth" at the 2015 Cutting Edge Festival at the Oslo Science Park. Continue reading

Date posted: 2015-10-10
Dear all, After a number of delays due to other payloads and the successful launch of BEXUS 21 our instrument will fly aboard BEXUS 20 on October 10, 2015 scheduled at 14001130. The countdown begins at 1000 and I have to get going at 0600. Have a look on the live stream from Kiruna and wish luck: Continue reading

Date posted: 2015-09-17
We have completed the first design iteration of NIRCA - the Near Infrared Readout and Controller ASIC for Focal Plane Arrays (FPA) under contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Norwegian Space Center. The project aims at future astronomical science and Earth observation missions, where NIRCA will be used with image sensors based on mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe, or MCT). Continue reading

Date posted: 2015-09-09
IDEAS is exhibiting at the 7th Annual European CubeSat Symposium in Liège, Belgium on the 9th to the 11th of September, 2015. Continue reading

Date posted: 2015-04-20
IDEAS attends SPIE DSS 2015, Defense, Security and Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD , United States, 20 - 24 April 2015. The company is represented by Aage Kalsaeg and Philip Paahlsson who presents the preliminary validation results on an ASIC for large array detectors.
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Date posted: 2014-11-15
IDEAS attends the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Workshop on Room Temperature Semiconductor X-ray and Gamma-ray Detectors, in Seattle, USA, from Nov. 8. to Nov. 15. 2013. The company is represented by Aage Kalsaeg, Alf Olsen and Dirk Meier. Continue reading

Date posted: 2014-06-22
IDEAS attends SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2014, 22-27 June 2014, Palais des congrès de Montréal. The company's exhibitors booth is staffed by Philip Paahlsson and Dirk Meier. They present IDEAS ASICs and the company's work on an ASIC for large array detectors.Continue reading

Date posted: 2013-10-27

IDEAS attends the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Workshop on Room Temperature Semiconductor X ray and Gamma ray Detectors, at COEX in Seoul, Korea, from Oct. 27. to Nov. 2. 2013. The company is represented by Gunnar Maehlum and Dirk Meier at the Industry Exhibition.  The following articles are presented and co-authored by IDEAS.

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