Central tracker for BM@N experiment based on DSSD with VATAGP7.1 ASIC

How to acquire electric charge from thousands of micro-strips in a double sided strip detector (DSSD)?  An answer was presented at the INSTR-17 conference by Khabarov et al. for the central tracker in the BM@N experiment [REF1]. They used 80 chips of the type VATAGP7.1 ASIC to read out a total of 10240 strips DSSD.

The presentation illustrates how the scientists use the VATAGP7.1 for the purpose of charged particle tracking. The VATAGP7.1 is an application specific integrated circuit designed for the readout of electric charge from strip sensors for charged particle tracking [REF2]. One chip can acquire up to 128 strips, and chips can be chained to acquire from many more strips.

The BM@N is one of two heavy ion detector experiments at the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) that is operated by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) located in Dubna. BM@N uses heavy ions to experimentally study the core collapse of supernovae, the stability of neutron stars and the nature of strange matter [REF3]. The tests are an important step towards the construction of the central tracker that shall be operational in the year 2017.



REF1 Khabarov et al. Poster-INSTR-2017_KhabarovEtAl_DSSD-VATAGP7, “Central tracker for BM@N experiment based on double-sided silicon micro-strip detectors”, International Conference “Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics”, Novosibirsk, Russia, February 2017,https://indico.inp.nsk.su/event/8/

REF2 The VATAGP7.1, ROIC/ASIC for readout of 128-channel sensors.

REF3 Baryon Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N), http://nica.jinr.ru/projects/bman.php


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