Powered by IDEAS ICs: CPT-SCOPE takes to the skies

On October 10, 2015 at 09:16:54 UTC the BEXUS 20 stratospheric balloon was launched from Esrange in Kiruna, northern-Sweden. On-board was the CPT-SCOPE instrument developed by students from Norway and Germany alongside two other student experiments HACORD (Belgium) and COSPA (Germany). The CPT-SCOPE team was the first Norwegian participation selected by European space experts for the Swedish-German BEXUS program which is supported by ESA and other organisations.

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First Phase of ASIC for Infrared Focal Plane Array Control Finished

We have completed the first design iteration of NIRCA – the Near Infrared Readout and Controller ASIC for Focal Plane Arrays (FPA) under contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Norwegian Space Center. The project aims at future astronomical science and Earth observation missions, where NIRCA will be used with image sensors based on mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe, or MCT).

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