IDEAS Attends SPIE DCS 2016, Defense + Commercial Sensing

IDEAS attends SPIE DCS 2016, Defense + Commercial Sensing, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD , United States, 17 – 22 April 2016. The company is represented Philip Påhlsson who presents the results from the development of an ASIC for large array infrared detectors.


Philip Påhlsson ; David Steenari ; Petter Øya ; Hans Kristian Otnes Berge ; Dirk Meier ; et al.
“NIRCA ASIC for the readout of focal plane arrays”, Proc. SPIE 9819, Infrared Technology and Applications XLII, 98192C (May 20, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2223619

Posted in Conferences and Exhibitions.